Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear plastic aligners to realign the teeth. The aligners are meant to be worn for at least twenty-two hours every day, and they can be removed to eat, drink, floss, and brush. Each set of the aligner is worn for about two weeks then replaced with a new set. Each new set of aligner will be slightly tighter than the last one, and with time, the teeth move to their perfect position.
Invisalign corrects a lot of orthodontic issues, but before you opt-in for any Invisalign offer London, you would need to visit your orthodontist for your teeth examination to determine if Invisalign is a viable treatment option for you.
With the information below, you would have an idea of which cases Invisalign is best for and those that might require other orthodontic treatments.
Invisalign strengths
Invisalign is suitable for anyone who has the following orthodontic issue.
Crooked teeth
If you have crooked teeth, Invisalign can effectively straighten them.
An overbite, the upper front teeth overlaps with their lower counterpart. Overbite causes several problems, such as chewing and biting difficulty. With Invisalign, the upper and lower front teeth would realign to lap properly.
People with underbite have their lower teeth projecting farther than their upper teeth. Underbite leads to wearing down of the teeth and speech impairment. Invisalign helps to push the lower teeth back to rest behind the upper teeth. Severe cases of underbite may require the combination of braces and Invisalign to correct them.
Gaps between the teeth
Gaps between the teeth result from having excess space in the mouth, and it is also known as spacing issues. The gaps between the teeth and gum can trap food which results in pain and gum diseases. Closing gaps between the teeth not only enhances your smile but improves your oral health.
Open bite
In an open bite, the upper and lower teeth do not meet. Using Invisalign helps move the upper and lower teeth to their right position to make them meet.
Crowded teeth
When the space in the jaw is insufficient, it makes the teeth overlap or twist. Insufficient space in the mouth causes food to get dislodged between the teeth, and this may lead to the build-up of plaque and tartar. Tartar and plaque cause tooth decay and periodontal diseases. Invisalign treatment is a good treatment option for realigning crowded teeth.
Invisalign limitations
Invisalign can fix several orthodontic problems, but there are complex cases that require the force and moving ability of braces to correct the problem. Traditional braces are usually the better option for treating complex orthodontic issues that need major teeth movement.
Traditional braces are better suited for the following orthodontic issues.
Tooth shape
When the teeth are short, round, or pegged, Invisalign aligners may not fit properly to realign them.
Tooth position
When the teeth are overcrowded, the teeth may rotate, and when it rotates more than twenty degrees, Invisalign may not be suitable for realigning the teeth.
Large gaps between the teeth
Invisalign can close up gaps of about 6mm in the upper and lower teeth, but when space is more, braces would be better for treatment.
Intrusion and extrusion
Invisalign has a limitation in raising or lowering the position of the teeth, but braces can easily make this type of movements.
Prior dental work
If you have had previous dental work like dental bridges, you may not be the right candidate for Invisalign.
Cost of Invisalign
The cost of Invisalign varies depending on the complexity of the case, treatment time, and insurance coverage. During your initial consultation, your orthodontist will give you a breakdown of what your treatment will cost.
At London Braces, we have different Invisalign offers that would suit your budget. You can contact us on 020 37457520 for more information on our Invisalign offers London or to book an appointment for your Invisalign consultation.